Even at complete standstill, the car's enormous power is made visible by its impressive mid-engine, elevated majestically beneath the chassis. Bahkan pada berhenti lengkap, kekuatan yang besar mobil dibuat terlihat oleh mengesankan mesin-pertengahan, peningkatan anggun di bawah sasis. Simultaneously, the Veyron's bold proportions, well-balanced surfaces, and clear line structures give an impression of pure, sleek elegance. Bersamaan, proporsi berani Veyron itu, permukaan seimbang, dan struktur garis yang jelas memberikan kesan murni, elegan ramping.
The design of the Veyron honors a great heritage without drifting off into retro style. Desain dari Veyron menghormati warisan besar tanpa hanyut ke gaya retro. Every detail of the classic two-tone color scheme, a quote from the 1920s and 1930s, has been carefully thought out, resulting in the typical Bugatti profile with the classic, contrasting ellipsis – the stylistic element used by Ettore Bugatti himself. Setiap detail skema warna two-tone klasik, sebuah kutipan dari tahun 1920 dan 1930, telah dipikirkan dengan hati-hati, sehingga profil Bugatti khas dengan klasik, kontras ellipsis - unsur gaya yang digunakan oleh Ettore Bugatti sendiri. The “crest line”, which runs uninterrupted from the hood to the only 1.21-m-high roof, is a proud homage to the Veyron's forebears. The "crest line", yang berlangsung tidak terputus dari tenda untuk atap 1,21 m-tinggi saja, adalah penghormatan bangga leluhur Veyron's. Thus, the Veyron's classic paintwork and harmonious design connect this state-of-the-art super sports car to the glorious heritage of Bugatti automobiles. Jadi, cat klasik Veyron dan desain yang harmonis terhubung ini mobil super state-of-the-art olahraga untuk warisan mulia mobil Bugatti.
With its classic look, the large radiator grill – adorned with the hand-enameled Bugatti emblem – represents the grandness of the Veyron. Dengan tampilan klasik, grill radiator yang besar - dihiasi dengan lambang Bugatti tangan-enamel - mewakili kebesaran dari Veyron. The sports car's distinctive front is defined by the harmonious contrast of its broad headlights and majestic grill. depan khas mobil sport ini adalah ditentukan oleh kontras harmonis lampu luas dan grill megah. The rear end, 1.99 m wide, features the formidable retractable spoiler and generously designed fenders. Akhir belakang, 1,99 m lebar, fitur spoiler ditarik tangguh dan murah hati dirancang fender. The Veyron perfectly fulfills the main design objective governing the development of the new Bugatti: an uncompromising combination of highest elegance and state-of-the-art technology. Veyron sempurna memenuhi tujuan desain utama yang mengatur perkembangan Bugatti baru: kombinasi tanpa kompromi keanggunan tertinggi dan negara-teknologi-the-art.
A bird's eye view of the Veyron Sebuah burung pandangan mata Veyron
*) Gearbox: 7 Gear DSG, fuel consumption combined: 24.1l/100km, fuel consumption in town: 40.4l/100km, fuel consumption out of town: 14.7l/100km, CO 2 emission combined: 574g/km *) Gearbox: 7 Gear DSG, konsumsi bahan bakar gabungan: 24.1l/100km, konsumsi bahan bakar di kota: 40.4l/100km, konsumsi bahan bakar luar kota: 14.7l/100km, emisi CO 2 digabungkan: 574g/km
sumber : Bugatty Veyron
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